Friday, September 10, 2010

Let's Play Metroid Other M - Adowned

Best part of the game, I tell ya.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Let's Play Red Dead Revolver - Part 2

Continuing the adventures of Crayola Red!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Movie Review - Beowulf

Today I went back and pulled out a movie I've not seen in a while, Beowulf. This is a prime example of how to NOT make a movie. It follows a similar formula to that of the video game I have ranted on before in my Let's Play, Dante's Inferno. Both take classic works of literature and decide to dumb them down and use the name to try and sell what is really a lack luster title. Both also take cues from other more famous works to try and make it more marketable to the masses. While Dante's Inferno was a shallow clone of God of War, Beowulf takes alot of ideas and visual cues from Fank Miller's 300. So how does this one fair compared to other movies? Read on...

Let's Play Metroid Other M - Part 1

Note: This Let's Play was a major pain to get uploaded, even when I split it in half, the first part would not convert to the proper format after many tries, I had to convert it myself, I dunno what is wrong with Blip, but they need to fix that.

Thursday, September 2, 2010